Now available on myTraining at
myUK > Employee Self-Service > Training
SLCM_WP_230 is intended for faculty members who have the need to access more than the grading functionality.
The course covers basic navigation and includes a high-level overview of SLCM, training on grading (same content as SLCM_WP_210),
and lifting of advisor holds.
Note: If grading is the only functionality desired, this course is not mandatory. However, it is a prerequisite
for all other campus management courses.
This course is available via the myHelp website only. Follow the steps below to complete the course. If you have any questions
about the material, please contact the SLCM_WP_230 Faculty Overview trainer.
- Review the SLCM_WP_230 Faculty Overview presentation in either the PowerPoint version or the pdf version:
- Sign your Statement of Responsibility.
NOTE: You must have an AD account to sign your Statement of Responsibility.
If you have signed your Statement of Responsibility previously, you do not need to
sign it a second time.
- Provide feedback on the course by submitting the course evaluation. Your comments and suggestions are welcome and especially helpful.