PM Order Confirmation Display
IRIS Report used to display Plant Maintenance work order confirmations
Planned vs Actual Costs by Value Category
Planned vs Actual Costs, by Value Category
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve value category planned vs actual costs
Planned vs Actual Costs by Total Estimated Work Order
Total Work Order Estimated, Planned vs Actual Costs
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve work order planned vs actual costs for the total estimated
Project Planned vs Actual Cost Tracking
Plan and Actual Tracking by Project
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve project planning and actual cost tracking
Input/Output Analysis
Inputs and Outputs Analysis
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve an analysis of inputs and outputs
Unplanned Maintenance
Number of Breakdowns [Unplanned Maintenance]
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve the number of breakdowns for unplanned maintenance
Maintenance Call Response Time
Time Taken to Answer Maintenance Calls
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve the amount of time it took to answer maintenance calls
Critical Equipment Open Orders
Critical Equipment With Open Orders Against Them
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve open orders for critical equipment
Work Order Date Analysis
Order Date Analysis
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve an analysis of work order dates
Department and Responsible Cost Center Work Order
Orders by Dept and Resp Cost Center
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve department and responsible cost center work orders
PM Backlog Labor Hours
PM Backlog Labor Hrs
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve information on backlogged plant maintenance labor hours
On Schedule Work Order Completion
Percent of Work Orders Completed on Schedule
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve the percentage of work orders completed on schedule
Planner Group Planned vs Acutal Hours
Planned v Actual Hours by Planner Group
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve planner group planned vs actual hours
Preventive Maintenance Schedule Compliance
Preventive Maintenance Schedule Compliance
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve data on the compliance of preventive maintenance schedules
Emergency Orders to Work Orders Ratio
Ratio of No: Of Emergency Orders to Total No: of Orders
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve the number of emergency orders to the number of work orders ratio
Preventive Maintenance Hours to Corrective Maintenance Hours Ratio
Ratio of Preventive Maint Hrs To Corrective Maint Hrs
BW Report used to run a report to retrieve preventive maintenance to corrective maintenance hours ratio