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      IRIS R/3 and BW Reports  
  Funds Management
  Grants Management
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    Materials Management
  Plant Maintenance
  Student Lifecycle Management

* Bolded Actions are links to related Quick Reference Cards (QRCs).


Budget vs Actual FMRP_RFFMEP1AX IRIS Report used to run a report to list budget vs. actual by several different selection criteria
Budget vs Actual GR55 IRIS Report used to run a report to list budget vs. actual by several different selection criteria
Capital Project Display Actual Costs by Line Item CJI3 IRIS Report used to view and drill down on actual costs for Capital Projects
Cost Center Balances GR55 IRIS Report used to display the balance of a cost center or a group of cost centers
Cost Object Associations Look-up ZFI_COBJ IRIS Report used to view master data of cost objects
Cost Share Accounts FMRP_RFFMEP1AX IRIS Report used to run a report to display cost share account transactions
Fund Center Document Level Transactions Actual Details BW Report used to run a report to retrieve document level details on actual costs
GL Account Master Data List S_ALR_87012326 IRIS Report used to run a report to display GL account master data and print out GL account lists with the T code
Ledger Sheets for Capital Projects Capital Projects Ledger BW Report used to run a report to retrieve funded program summary level detail
Ledger Sheets for Endowment and Loan Funds Endowment and Loan Fund Ledger BW Report used to run a report to retrieve GL account summary level detail on endowment and loan funds
Ledger Sheets for Funds Fund Ledger BW Report used to run a report to retrieve GL account summary level detail on funds
Ledger Sheets for Fund Centers Fund Center Balances: Budget vs Actual BW Report used to run a report to retrieve Commitment Item summary level details on fund centers

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Funds Management

Fund Balance Report Fund Balance Report BW Report used to retrieve fund balance data
Expense Budget Estimate Budget - Expense Estimate BW Report used to run a report to retrieve expense estimate data for a budget
Income Budget Estimate Budget - Income Estimate BW Report used to run a report to retrieve income estimate data for a budget
Reconciliation Budget Budget - Reconciliation BW Report used to run a report to retrieve reconciliation budget data
Budget Narrative Budget Narrative Report BW Report used to run a report to retrieve narrative budget data
Fund Balance Analysis Fund Balance Analysis BW Report used to run a report to retrieve an analysis for a fund balance (includes the Student Financial Account Fund Balance Report)
Land Grant Expense Budget Estimate Land Grant Budget - Expense Estimate BW Report used to run a report to retrieve expense estimate data for a land grant budget
Land Grant Income Budget Estimate Land Grant Budget - Income Estimate BW Report used to run a report to retrieve income estimate data for a land grant budget
Position Cost Distribution Position Cost Distribution BW Report used to run a report to retrieve cost distribution data on positions

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Grants Management

Budget Overview GMBDGTOVIEW IRIS Report used to compare the PADR to IRIS-GM
Cost Share Accounts FMRP_RFFMEP1AX IRIS Report used to run a report to display cost share account transactions
Cost Share Fund - Find GMGRANTD IRIS Report used to view cost share fund
Cost Share Accounts FMRP_RFFMEP1AX IRIS Report used to run a report to display cost share account transactions
Grant Balance Detail GMAVCOVRW IRIS Report used to view overall grant balance by sponsored class; use vaiant /UKDEFAULT or /UKDIRECT
Grant Budget vs Actual Display S_ALN_01000003 IRIS Report used to display available balance and drill down on transaction
Grants Management Line Item Display S_PLN_16000269 IRIS Report used to view budget transfers and cash receipts associated with a grant
Ledger Sheets for Grants Grant Ledger BW Report used to run a report to retrieve GL account summary level detail on grants
Master Data Index for Grant S_ALN_01000079 IRIS Report used to display basic information on a grant account (such as WBS Element, Department Number, PI's name, Bud Rule, Project Date)
Purchase Order by Accout Assignment ME2K IRIS Report used to display a purchase order for subcontracts by a particular grant number

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Materials Management

     Hospital Inventory

GL Account Line Item Display FBL3N IRIS Report used to display general ledger account line items
Vendor Line Item Display FBL1N IRIS Report used to display items from one or from multiple vendors, as well as, specify a multitude of criteria, such as, only open items, cleared items, and/or parked items


GL Account Line Item Display FBL3N IRIS Report used to display general ledger account line items
Purchase Order by Cost Object Display ME2K IRIS Report used to produce a report that displays purchase orders by cost object
Purchase Order by Material ME2M IRIS Report used to produce a report that displays purchase orders by material
Purchase Order by Number ME2N IRIS Report used to list purchase orders by number
Purchase Order by Vendor ME2L IRIS Report used to produce a report that displays purchase orders by vendors
Vendor Line Item Display FBL1N IRIS Report used to display items from one or from multiple vendors, as well as, specify a multitude of criteria, such as, only open items, cleared items, and/or parked items

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Plant Maintenance

PM Order Confirmation Display IW43 IRIS Report used to display Plant Maintenance work order confirmations
Planned vs Actual Costs by Value Category Planned vs Actual Costs, by Value Category BW Report used to run a report to retrieve value category planned vs actual costs
Planned vs Actual Costs by Total Estimated Work Order Total Work Order Estimated, Planned vs Actual Costs BW Report used to run a report to retrieve work order planned vs actual costs for the total estimated
Project Planned vs Actual Cost Tracking Plan and Actual Tracking by Project BW Report used to run a report to retrieve project planning and actual cost tracking
Input/Output Analysis Inputs and Outputs Analysis BW Report used to run a report to retrieve an analysis of inputs and outputs
Unplanned Maintenance Number of Breakdowns [Unplanned Maintenance] BW Report used to run a report to retrieve the number of breakdowns for unplanned maintenance
Maintenance Call Response Time Time Taken to Answer Maintenance Calls BW Report used to run a report to retrieve the amount of time it took to answer maintenance calls
Critical Equipment Open Orders Critical Equipment With Open Orders Against Them BW Report used to run a report to retrieve open orders for critical equipment
Work Order Date Analysis Order Date Analysis BW Report used to run a report to retrieve an analysis of work order dates
Department and Responsible Cost Center Work Order Orders by Dept and Resp Cost Center BW Report used to run a report to retrieve department and responsible cost center work orders
PM Backlog Labor Hours PM Backlog Labor Hrs BW Report used to run a report to retrieve information on backlogged plant maintenance labor hours
On Schedule Work Order Completion Percent of Work Orders Completed on Schedule BW Report used to run a report to retrieve the percentage of work orders completed on schedule
Planner Group Planned vs Acutal Hours Planned v Actual Hours by Planner Group BW Report used to run a report to retrieve planner group planned vs actual hours
Preventive Maintenance Schedule Compliance Preventive Maintenance Schedule Compliance BW Report used to run a report to retrieve data on the compliance of preventive maintenance schedules
Emergency Orders to Work Orders Ratio Ratio of No: Of Emergency Orders to Total No: of Orders BW Report used to run a report to retrieve the number of emergency orders to the number of work orders ratio
Preventive Maintenance Hours to Corrective Maintenance Hours Ratio Ratio of Preventive Maint Hrs To Corrective Maint Hrs BW Report used to run a report to retrieve preventive maintenance to corrective maintenance hours ratio

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Student Lifecycle Management

  Booking   Event Planning   Grading
  Student Records      


Schedule Printing Student Administration >
Advising Services >
(myUK Portal) Used to view or print a student's schedule
Student/Course Detail Students and Courses Detail Report BW Report used to run a report to retrieve student and course details

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     Event Planning

Enrollment Details Detail Enrollment Report BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data
College Enrollment Enrollment Report by College BW Report used to run a report to retrieve a specific college's enrollment data
Main Program of Study Enrollment Enrollment Report by Main Program BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data for a specific main Program of Study
Progress Classification Enrollment Enrollment Report by Progress Classification BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data by progress classification such as senior, junior, etc.

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Class Rolls Display Student Administration >
Faculty Services >
(myUK Portal) Used to display and print class rolls

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     Student Records

Enrollment Details Detail Enrollment Report BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data
College Enrollment Enrollment Report by College BW Report used to run a report to retrieve a specific college's enrollment data
Main Program of Study Enrollment Enrollment Report by Main Program BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data for a specific main Program of Study
Progress Classification Enrollment Enrollment Report by Progress Classification BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data by progress classification such as senior, junior, etc.
Residency Status Enrollment Enrollment Report by Residency Status BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data by residency status
Ethnicity Enrollment Enrollment Report by Ethnicity BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data by ethnicity
Sport Enrollment Enrollment Report by Sport BW Report used to run a report to retrieve detailed enrollment data by sport type

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     IRIS - Integrated Resource Information Systems | University of Kentucky - An Equal Opportunity University
          IRIS Building, University of Kentucky, 630 South Broadway, Lexington, KY 40506-0564
          (859) 257-3514 Telephone
          © 2005-20012 IRIS Training, Enterprise Applications Group, University of Kentucky

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     Page Last Modified: 05-29-2012