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      Student Lifecycle Management (SLCM) Help

  SLCM Forms         Courses
  Frequently Asked Questions         Quick Reference Cards
  Transaction Codes                          

SLCM Courses

  SLCM_200 SLCM Overview
  SLCM_AD_300 Event Planning
  SLCM_AD_310 Student Records
  SLCM_AD_315 Booking Rules
  SLCM_AD_340 Programs of Study
             and Majors
  SLCM_CA_310 Student Account
             Balance Display
  SLCM_WP_210 Grading
  SLCM_WP_220 Overrides
  SLCM_WP_230 Faculty SLCM
  SLCM_WP_310 Advising

Degree Planning & Registration (myUK GPS) (formerly "Booking") - This is not a course in myUK Learning. Instead, visit the myUK Graduation Planning System website to request a desk-side or virtual training appointment with Team GPS.

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Do You Need Help?

  Registrar - 257-3161
  Financial Aid - 257-3172
  The Graduate School - 257-4613
  Graduate Admissions -
  Undergrad Admissions -

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SLCM Quick Reference Cards (QRC)

SLCM Global
  SLCM Glossary
  College Codes
  Academic Year/Session Codes
  Log On Through myUK Portal
  Student Administration Portal
  PIQST00 Student Search
  PIQST00 Column Layout Settings - Change

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  Lifting Advisor Holds
  Advisor - Add
  Advisor - Change

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Event Planning (10/2/12 - Some of these QRCs are currently being updated and are unavailable.)
  AM/PM to IRIS SLCM Time Crosswalk
  Event Planning Icons
  Search for Org Unit
  Search for Module
  ZEVPLAN Create A Single Event

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  Class Rolls
  Submitting Grades
  Grade Change Request

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  myUK Portal - Course Overrides

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Program of Study and Majors
  Academic Year/Session Codes
  College Codes
  Effective Dates for Changes
  Hierarchy of Degree Programs
  Key Date - Change
  Change Layout Setting - Add Priority
  Major - Add Second Within
             Program (Double Major)
  Major - Add Second Outside
             Program (Double Major)
  Major - Change Within Program
  Major or Minor - Delimit (End)
  Minor - Add Within Program
  Minor - Add Outside Program
  Program of Study - Add
             Second Program (Dual Degree or Certificate)
  Program of Study - Change

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  myUK Portal - Course Overrides

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Student Account Balance
  PIQST00 Student Account Balance
  FPL9 Detailed Student Account Balance

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Student Records
  Address Changes with Validity Dates
  Advisor - Add
  Advisor - Change
  Anticipated Grad Date - Change
  CEU Credits - Entering
  Class Rolls
  Hold - Add
  Hold - Inactivate
  Key Date - Change
  Notes - Change
  Notes - Create
  Program of Study
  Related Person - Create
  Related Person - Change
  Related Person - Delete
  Screen Elements/Icons
  Student Search
  Unofficial Transcript - View

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     IRIS - Integrated Resource Information Systems | University of Kentucky - An Equal Opportunity University
          IRIS Building, University of Kentucky, 630 South Broadway, Lexington, KY 40506-0564
          (859) 257-3514 Telephone
          © 2005-2024 SAP Training, ITS/Enterprise Applications, University of Kentucky

     Web Page Comments: SAP Training
     Page Last Modified: 05-23-2024