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      Grants Management (GM) Help

Grants Management (GM) is designed to account for awards from government and other sponsors for a specific activity. GM provides flexibility to account for funds on a fiscal period basis other than the University's FY and shows financial information form a sponsor's perspective. GM enables end-users to:   
  • Plan, budget, identify, obtain, and record all funding related to received grants
  • Plan, budget, identify, obtain, schedule, perform, and record the tasks and activities related managing the sponsored programs and furthering the sponsor's and organization's objectives
  • Differentiate between eligible and ineligible costs
  • Bill and record sponsor amounts
  • Record and report all related costs, revenues, and required statistical information

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Grants Management Courses

  FI_200 Overview
  FI_GM_200 Principal Investigator
            Grant Budgeting Overview
  FI_GM_310 Grants Management
  FI_GM_315 Advanced Grants
            Management Analysis
  FI_GM_320 Advanced Cost Sharing

Related Links


Grants Management Quick Reference Cards (QRC)

GM Global
  College Grant Officer List
  FICO Key Terminology Grid
  General User Menus
  Log On Through myUK Portal
  PI Grant Display


     IRIS - Integrated Resource Information Systems | University of Kentucky - An Equal Opportunity University
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          (859) 257-3514 Telephone
          © 2005-2024 SAP Training, Enterprise Applications Group, University of Kentucky

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     Page Last Modified: 06-28-2024