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      MM Forms Access Request  

The purpose of this request is to obtain access to the myUK Enterprise Services - Materials Management - UKY Web Procurement forms page.

Prior to requesting this access, you must first successfully complete the Statement of Responsibility course in myUK Learning.

Your request will not be processed if the Statement of Responsibility has not been successfully completed.

Once you have successfully completed the Statement of Responsibility and see it listed in your Learning History tile in myUK Learning, do the following:

1. Compose an email to
2. Enter MM Forms Access Request as the Subject
3. List your Name, Linkblue ID and Email Address in the body
4. Press Send

You will receive an email confirmation once your access has been granted and is available. Please allow up to 1-2 business days for processing.


     IRIS - Integrated Resource Information Systems | University of Kentucky - An Equal Opportunity University
          IRIS Building, University of Kentucky, 630 South Broadway, Lexington, KY 40506-0564
          (859) 257-3514 Telephone
          © 2005-2022 SAP Training, UK ITS Enterprise Applications

     Web Page Comments: SAP Training
     Page Last Modified: 03-23-2022