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      BEX_SLCM_300 Business Warehouse Web Reporting  

Now available on myTraining at
      myUK > Employee Self-Service > Training

This course is intended to familiarize users with the SAP Business Information Warehouse Web Reporting (BW-Web) environment. Topics include:       

  • Getting into BW-Web
  • Screen Navigation
  • Dealing with Parameters
  • Data Analysis
  • Drill Downs
  • Filters
  • Saving Changes
  • Exporting to Excel
  • Graphs
  • Reporting Requirements Document

This course is only available online.

NOTE: BEX_SLCM_300 is now taught in the BW Production system. Therefore, anyone wanting to take this course MUST have this course as part of their training plan and have IRIS R/3 access in order to take the course.

In order to take this course specific roles must be requested for you.

Prerequisites: UK_100 and SLCM_200. You must also already have a SLCM role in IRIS.

       BEX_SLCM_300 Business Warehouse Web Reporting course:

Related Quick Reference Cards (QRC)

  Entering Variables
  Designing Report Layouts
  Using Filters
  Using Exceptions
  Using Conditions
  Exporting Reports

Related Links

  Business Warehouse Information
  General Accounting
  Sponsored Projects Accounting



     IRIS - Integrated Resource Information Systems | University of Kentucky - An Equal Opportunity University
          IRIS Building, University of Kentucky, 630 South Broadway, Lexington, KY 40506-0564
          (859) 257-3514 Telephone
          © 2005-20012 IRIS Training, Enterprise Applications Group, University of Kentucky

     Web Page Comments: IRIS Training
     Page Last Modified: 06-07-2012